Code of Conduct

Code of conduct

For Customers:

Our aim is to help you lead a healthy life by ensuring that you don’t feel the need to skip meals by providing you with nourishing food to help meet your dietary requirements. Through the app, you can have the food delivered to your workspace at any time ideal to you, to fit your schedule, so that you don’t compromise on food while working hard. We ensure this by offering our services at cheap prices making it convenient for college students living on a budget as well.

While availing our services, if you wish to share your experiences please feel free to leave a review, regardless of whether it was good or bad. This would help us improve our services to ensure that you have a comfortable and satisfactory dining experience. While sharing these reviews do keep in mind that there are codes of conduct that need to be followed. If they are not followed, we reserve the right to delete such comments

Be Respectful

Please refrain from using hateful or derogatory language. While you may be upset with a specific situation, please ensure that you refrain from hurting the sentiments of people and use respectful language rather than offensive, obscene or foul language. This applies to general reviews as well, even if you are incredibly happy with the services please refrain from using foul language. Comments made against an individual’s race, caste, religion,etc will also be deleted

Honesty is Key

While sharing your experiences please be honest about what happened and refrain from exaggerating situations, and using someone else’s testimonials or rumours as the basis for your review. When leaving a review please include relevant information. If your review could use a visual aid, do add images to help explain the situation better. If your review suggests that you have not visited the restaurant or tried any of their food, the review will be deleted so as to prevent deceptive or false feedback about our partners or our company itself.

Please use images of your own and do not use images posted by the restaurant or other users. This will be counted as plagiarism and could lead to the deletion of you comment for false information

Comply to Terms and Conditions

All of the content posted must be in compliance with Nohung's terms and conditions as well as with the terms and conditions of partner companies. Local laws are also to be followed for the same.

Legal Action

If you would like to issue grievances related to illegal activities, health code violations, physical altercations, or anything that is being investigated by local governing bodies or law-enforcement, please report such issues to the appropriate authorities rather than mentioning the above in reviews. This would ensure that such issues are handled in the right manner with the appropriate authorities.

For Restaurants:

Keep Things Up-To-Date

Keep your information about your kitchen up to date and inform us at the earliest when changes are being made so that the information can be updated on the website.


Please do not offer customers incentives for posting reviews on the website. Do not offer discounts or deals to customers for posting or removing their reviews. Rather than offering incentives, work towards greater customer service. This would automatically bring in positive reviews from almost every customer that avails your services if they are satisfied with the food and hospitality offered to them. You may conduct events where customers could try out the food at your kitchen and review your food. While this is permissible, please ensure that when these reviews are posted, it is specified that the reviews are posted based on an invite. The person writing the review is not obligated to write a positive review, and has the freedom to state their opinions honestly and clearly as long as they follow the customer code of conduct.


If you have received a negative review, do not panic as it is a part of being in the business. Reflect on the feedback-whether it may be untrue or true- ,and see how you could make changes to your business to fix and improve things. When responding to negative comments, show your customers that you are concerned and show them that you care about their feedback, not just through words but through actions as well. Show them how you have taken their reviews into your stride and have improved your services as a result. Please refrain from offering free services to customers that have left negative reviews. This sends the wrong message and implies that such behaviour is tolerated. This could further lead to false negative reviews so as to avail such services. If you observe any such requests, reach out to us at


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